Today’s Wordle Answer

Today’s Wordle Hints, Clues and Answer December 31, 2024 #1291

Today's Wordle solution might be a bit challenging. If you need assistance solving today’s Wordle puzzle December 31, 2024 #1291, WordleTime has compiled some helpful hints and clues for you. The answer is provided at the bottom of the page, so proceed carefully if you prefer to figure it out on your own.

Today’s Wordle Hints and Clues

1. What letter does today's Wordle begin with?

Today's Wordle starts with the letter L.

2. How many vowels are in today's Wordle?

It contains 2 of the five vowels.*

* Note that by vowel we mean the five standard vowels (A, E, I, O, U), not Y (which is sometimes counted as a vowel too).

3. Does today's Wordle have any repeated letters?

There are no repeated letters in today's Wordle.

4. Today’s Wordle is a 5 letters word that ends with:

The last letter in today's Wordle is R.

5. The last hint and clue is meaning for today’s Wordle:

an arboreal primate with a pointed snout and typically a long tail, found only in Madagascar.

Today’s Wordle Answer

With the above 5 Hints and Clues, we do think that you have found your own answer to today’s Wordle. However, if you're still struggling to guess it, click the bellow button to see the answer.

Reveal Answer

The answer to the December 31, 2024 #1291 Wordle is LEMUR

Yesterday’s Wordle Answer


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